Preprint / Version 1

Social Determinants of Health in Priority Attention Groups during the COVID -19 Pandemic in Ecuador


  • María Emilia Vintimilla Pérez Corte Constitucional del Ecuador



Social conditions, priority attention, health care, COVID-19 pandemic, Ecuador


The objective of this paper is to highlight the importance of the social conditions of vulnerable individuals and groups in priority attention situations, in their access to health care. To achieve this end, a jurisprudential methodology is used based on the constitutional rulings issued by the Constitutional Court of Ecuador during the COVID-19 pandemic. These rulings were dictated to safeguard and guarantee the rights of this population in vulnerable situations, under the control of the constitutionality of the Executive Decrees that declared a state of emergency in Ecuadorian territory due to the health emergency. The analysis made it possible to explore how the socioeconomic conditions of homeless persons, people living in poverty; indigenous peoples, communities, and nationalities; people in a situation of human mobility; and persons deprived of liberty, affected the guarantee of their right to health during the pandemic in Ecuador.


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