Preprint / Version 1

Compatibility of Crimes of Duty Infringement with the Organic Integral Criminal Code


  • Juan Nicolás Cevallos Vallejo Independent researcher



Crimes of duty infringement, perpetrator, joint perpetrator, Organic Criminal Code


The objective of this article is to determine the compatibility of the theory of crimes of duty infringement with the concepts of perpetrator and joint perpetrator of the Organic Integral Criminal Code. To specify whether this theory is compatible with the concepts mentioned, a doctrinal study of this theory was carried out, together with an analysis of the concepts that have been invoked, from the dogmatic point of view; and practical, through the examination of the of first instance verdict within the process 17721-2019-00029G. As a result of the study, it has been found that this theory is not compatible with the above concepts. This is because the Ecuadorian criminal law adopts a restrictive concept of perpetrator and joint perpetrator based on the theory of mastery of the act. Therefore, the application of the theory of crimes of duty infringement supposes a transgression of the principles of legality and typicity.


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