Preprint / Version 1

Domain Extinction Bill

¿a Remedy for Corruption or a Way to Violate Rights?


  • María José Bahamonde Jácome Independent researcher
  • David Francisco Delgado del Hierro Independent researcher



Bill, domain extinction institution, presumption of innocence, corruption, illegal activity, Criminal Code


Corruption and impunity have left a permanent damage in every Ecuadorian’s heart, leading national and international authorities to seek for solutions to stop these abuses in many countries around the world. In Ecuador, following the United Nations Organization’s advices, some initiatives have purposed to introduce the domain extinction institution in national law. However, these legislative proposals are not harmonic with constitutional guarantees and principles that rule in our country. It represents an imminent risk for legal security and human rights protection. That is why this paper recognizes the need of the domain extinction institution in our legal system; evidences the flaws these legislative proposals have; and purposes a legal reform to the Criminal Code or a new legislative proposal that respects the Constitution.

