Preprint / Version 1

Did the Shortlist Sent to Replace the Vice President Disregard the Constitution?


  • Erick Fabián Guapizaca Jiménez Corte Constitucional del Ecuador



Ecuador, vice president, executive function, Constitution, requirements, shortlist, disabilities


This article focuses on the institution of the vice president as a key figure in the political design of the Ecuadorian State, particularly in the executive function. The first section addresses the origin, nature and features of the institution in the world. Then, the different types of vice presidents are compared and categorized throughout the Latin American legal systems and Ecuador is framed within the semi-rigid system. The evolution of the Ecuadorian political system is also reviewed and in this, mainly, points of radical change are established between the system of election by different ballots and that of separable binomial. The following is an analysis of whether the last shortlist sent in the month of July 2020 for the succession of Vice President Vicuña observed the requirements and inabilities provided in the Constitution of Ecuador for the selection of a Vice President. Finally, it is discussed whether, because it is a selection in the absence of a popular election, the inabilities of the candidates should not be verified.


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